Bonn 2025 – scientific programme
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QI: Fachverband Quanteninformation
QI 44: Quantum Technologies (Detectors and Photon Sources) (joint session Q/QI)
QI 44.2: Talk
Friday, March 14, 2025, 14:45–15:00, AP-HS
Deep ultraviolet laser light for cluster interferometry — •Hannah Foltas, Richard Ferstl, Severin Sindelar, Bruno Ramírez-Galindo, Stefan Gerlich, Sebastian Pedalino, and Markus Arndt — University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Boltzmanngasse 5, Vienna, Austria
Matter-wave interferometry with massive nanoparticles may contribute to the understanding of the quantum-classical interface, and it can open new avenues for materials science or lithography at the nanoscale. Here we discuss the need for and recent progress in realizing a light source that can fulfill the requirements for photodepletion gratings for cluster matter-waves: A standing deep ultraviolet (DUV) light wave shall ionize metallic or dielectric nanoparticles in its antinodes by absorption of a single photon and thus form a measurement-induced diffraction grating. Ionization can be achieved if the photon energy exceeds the cluster ionization energy, which depends on the material, size and charge state of the particle. We target a wavelength below 230 nm and a photon energy of 5.4-5.5 eV, which will be sufficient to ionize clusters of vastly different density, such as sodium or gold and even insulating nanoparticles such as silicon. Starting from a TiSa laser beam at 900 - 920 nm (ca. 6 W) we first generate blue light with a power of > 2.5 W behind an external cavity using an LBO crystal and a circular laser beam profile. This light is further doubled to < 230 nm light in a second cavity with elliptical mode profile and using a BBO crystal. We demonstrate the usefulness of this light source in absorption tests on cluster beams.
Keywords: Continuous deep UV laser; Matter Waves; Second Harmonic Generation; Cluster Interference; Cavity Optics