14:30 |
QI 45.1 |
Low Temperature Spectroscopy of hBN Quantum Emitters — •Mouli Hazra, Manuel Rieger, Anand Kumar, Mohammad Nasimuzzaman Mishuk, Tjorben Matthes, Viviana Villafane, Jonathan J. Finely, and Tobias Vogl
14:45 |
QI 45.2 |
Towards on-chip microwave to telecom transduction using erbium doped silicon — •Daniele Lopriore and Andreas Reiserer
15:00 |
QI 45.3 |
Hybrid Nanophotonic Spin-Photon Interface of Si3N4 Photonics and Silicon Vacancy Centers in Nanodiamonds — •Lukas Antoniuk, Niklas Lettner, Anna P. Ovvyan, Daniel Wendland, Viatcheslav N. Agafonov, Wolfram H.P. Pernice, and Alexander Kubanek
15:15 |
QI 45.4 |
Deterministic preparation and retrieval of the dark state population in a quantum dot — •René Schwarz, Florian Kappe, Yusuf Karli, Thomas Bracht, Saimon Covre da Silva, Armando Rastelli, Vikas Remesh, Doris Reiter, and Gregor Weihs
15:30 |
QI 45.5 |
Spectroscopy and coherent manipulation of REI-based organic molecular systems for quantum information applications. — •Vishnu Unni C., Evgenij Vasilenko, Nicholas Jobbitt, Xiaoyu Yang, Barbora Brachnakova, Senthil Kuppusamy, Timo Neumann, Mario Ruben, Michael Seitz, and David Hunger
15:45 |
QI 45.6 |
Hybrid integration of silicon carbide color centers into photonic integrated circuitry — •Jan Riegelmeyer, Gerben Timmer, Keyuan Fang, Maurice van der Maas, Elena Volkova, Kees Koot, Ryoichi Ishihara, Tim Taminiau, and Carlos Errando Herranz
16:00 |
QI 45.7 |
The contribution has been moved to Q 62.47.
16:15 |
QI 45.8 |
Purcell enhancement of single defects in silicon carbide coupled to a a fiber-based Fabry-Pérot microcavity — •Jannis Hessenauer, Jonathan Körber, Jawad Ul-Hassan, Georgy Astakhov, Wolfgang Knolle, Jörg Wrachtrup, and David Hunger