
Bonn 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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SYAD: Symposium SAMOP Dissertation Prize 2025

SYAD 1: SAMOP Dissertation Prize Symposium

Montag, 10. März 2025, 14:30–16:30, HS 1+2

The topical divisions within SAMOP jointly award a PhD prize 2025. The prize acknowledges outstanding research from a PhD work and its excellent written and oral presentation. Eligible for nomination were outstanding PhD theses from the research fields of SAMOP completed in 2023 or 2024. Based on the nominations and independent reviewing, a jury of SAMOP representatives selected four finalists for presentation of their research in the framework of this dissertation prize symposium. Right after the symposium, the awardee will be selected by the prize committee. The winner will be announced in the course of the DPG Ceremonial Session (Festsitzung) on Tuesday afternoon.

14:30 SYAD 1.1 Hauptvortrag: A simple method to separate single- from multi-particle dynamics in time-resolved spectroscopy — •Julian Lüttig
15:00 SYAD 1.2 Hauptvortrag: Time-resolving quantum dynamics in atoms and molecules with intense x-ray lasers and neural networks — •Alexander Magunia
15:30 SYAD 1.3 Hauptvortrag: How rotation shapes the decay of diatomic carbon anions — •Viviane C. Schmidt
16:00 SYAD 1.4 Hauptvortrag: Interstellar stardust from stellar explosions recorded in a deep-ocean ferromanganese crust within the last 10 million years — •Dominik Koll
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Bonn