
Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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Dienstag, 1. April 2025

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Di, 09:00–09:45 ZHG011 PV III 09:00 None P R a P 09:00 R a
09:00 None P R b P 09:00 R b
Di, 09:45–10:30 ZHG011 PV IV 09:45 None P RP a P 09:45 RP a
09:45 None P RP b P 09:45 RP b
Di, 10:30–18:00 ZHG Foyer EG S 3: Exhibition of Scientific Instruments 10:30 None PP Q a PP 10:30 Q a
10:30 None PP Q b PP 10:30 Q b
Di, 11:00–11:05 ZHG011 S 4: Awarding of the SMuK Dissertation Prize 2025 11:00 None PP R a PP 11:00 R a
11:00 None PP R b PP 11:00 R b
Di, 11:00–12:35 ZHG011 SYAS 1: Awards Symposium 11:00 None PPP P a PPP 11:00 P a
11:00 None PPP P b PPP 11:00 P b
Di, 11:00–12:35 ZHG102 P 5: Magnetic Confinment Fusion/HEPP III 11:00 None R Q a R 11:00 Q a
11:00 None R Q b R 11:00 Q b
Di, 11:00–12:30 ZHG006 P 6: Atmospheric Plasmas and their Applications II 11:00 None R QP a R 11:00 QP a
11:00 None R QP b R 11:00 QP b
Di, 12:30–13:20 ZHG007 AKjDPG 2: jDPG Tutorium – Medical Physics 12:30 None SP Q a SP 12:30 Q a
12:30 None SP Q b SP 12:30 Q b
Di, 12:35–13:45 ZHG011 T 22: Annual Meeting of Young Scientists in High Energy Physics 12:35 None RPP Y a RPP 12:35 Y a
12:35 None RPP Y b RPP 12:35 Y b
Di, 13:30–14:30 Theo 0.136 DD 12: Hochschuldidaktik II 13:30 None PS TPP a PS 13:30 TPP a
13:30 None PS TPP b PS 13:30 TPP b
Di, 13:30–14:10 Theo 0.135 DD 13: Preisträgervortrag 13:30 None PS TPPP a PS 13:30 TPPP a
13:30 None PS TPPP b PS 13:30 TPPP b
Di, 13:30–14:30 Theo 0.134 DD 15: KI II 13:30 None PS TPPPQ a PS 13:30 TPPPQ a
13:30 None PS TPPPQ b PS 13:30 TPPPQ b
Di, 13:30–14:30 OEC 1.163 DD 16: Astronomie II 13:30 None PS TPPPR a PS 13:30 TPPPR a
13:30 None PS TPPPR b PS 13:30 TPPPR b
Di, 13:30–15:35 ZHG008 GR 2: Relastro I 13:30 None QP Q a QP 13:30 Q a
13:30 None QP Q b QP 13:30 Q b
Di, 13:45–15:45 ZHG005 EP 3: Near-Earth Space I 13:45 None Q Q a Q 13:45 Q a
13:45 None Q Q b Q 13:45 Q b
Di, 13:45–15:45 ZHG101 EP 4: Sun and Heliosphere II 13:45 None Q R a Q 13:45 R a
13:45 None Q R b Q 13:45 R b
Di, 13:45–15:45 ZHG001 MP 2: Mathematical Materials Science and AdS/CFT 13:45 None QQ Q a QQ 13:45 Q a
13:45 None QQ Q b QQ 13:45 Q b
Di, 13:45–15:55 ZHG102 P 7: Magnetic Confinment Fusion/HEPP IV 13:45 None R QPP a R 13:45 QPP a
13:45 None R QPP b R 13:45 QPP b
Di, 13:45–15:45 ZHG006 P 8: Atmospheric Plasmas and their Applications III 13:45 None R QQ a R 13:45 QQ a
13:45 None R QQ b R 13:45 QQ b
Di, 13:45–15:15 ZHG003 ST 1: Computational Methods and Simulation 13:45 None RP P a RP 13:45 P a
13:45 None RP P b RP 13:45 P b
Di, 13:45–15:45 ZHG011 T 20: Invited Topical Talks I 13:45 None RPP XPP a RPP 13:45 XPP a
13:45 None RPP XPP b RPP 13:45 XPP b
Di, 13:45–15:45 ZHG010 T 21: Invited Topical Talks II 13:45 None RPP XPQ a RPP 13:45 XPQ a
13:45 None RPP XPQ b RPP 13:45 XPQ b
Di, 13:45–15:45 ZHG004 AKBP 2: Novel Accelerator Concepts I 13:45 None RPPP Q a RPPP 13:45 Q a
13:45 None RPPP Q b RPPP 13:45 Q b
Di, 14:10–14:30 Theo 0.135 DD 14: Praxisblick 14:10 None PS TPPPP a PS 14:10 TPPPP a
14:10 None PS TPPPP b PS 14:10 TPPPP b
Di, 14:15–15:35 ZHG007 GR 3: Rel. Geodesy 14:15 None QP R a QP 14:15 R a
14:15 None QP R b QP 14:15 R b
Di, 14:45–15:45 Theo 0.136 DD 17: Hochschuldidaktik III 14:45 None PS TQ a PS 14:45 TQ a
14:45 None PS TQ b PS 14:45 TQ b
Di, 14:45–15:45 Theo 0.135 DD 18: Neue / Digitale Medien 14:45 None PS U a PS 14:45 U a
14:45 None PS U b PS 14:45 U b
Di, 14:45–15:45 Theo 0.134 DD 19: KI III 14:45 None PS UP a PS 14:45 UP a
14:45 None PS UP b PS 14:45 UP b
Di, 14:45–15:45 OEC 1.163 DD 20: BNE 14:45 None PS UPP a PS 14:45 UPP a
14:45 None PS UPP b PS 14:45 UPP b
Di, 14:45–15:45 OEC 1.162 DD 21: Lehr-Lernforschung I 14:45 None PS UPQ a PS 14:45 UPQ a
14:45 None PS UPQ b PS 14:45 UPQ b
Di, 16:00–16:30 ZHG004 AKBP 3: AKBP Accelerator Prize Talks 16:00 None RPPP QP a RPPP 16:00 QP a
16:00 None RPPP QP b RPPP 16:00 QP b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG Foyer 1. OG DD 22: Poster – Anregungen Unterricht 16:15 None PS V a PS 16:15 V a
16:15 None PS V b PS 16:15 V b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG Foyer 1. OG DD 23: Poster – Astronomie 16:15 None PS VP a PS 16:15 VP a
16:15 None PS VP b PS 16:15 VP b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG Foyer 1. OG DD 24: Poster – Außerschulische Lernorte 16:15 None PS VPP a PS 16:15 VPP a
16:15 None PS VPP b PS 16:15 VPP b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG Foyer 1. OG DD 25: Poster – Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung 16:15 None PS VQ a PS 16:15 VQ a
16:15 None PS VQ b PS 16:15 VQ b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG Foyer 1. OG DD 26: Poster – Hochschuldidaktik 16:15 None PS VQP a PS 16:15 VQP a
16:15 None PS VQP b PS 16:15 VQP b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG Foyer 1. OG DD 27: Poster – Lehr-Lernforschung 16:15 None PS W a PS 16:15 W a
16:15 None PS W b PS 16:15 W b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG Foyer 1. OG DD 28: Poster – Lehreraus- und -fortbildung 16:15 None PS X a PS 16:15 X a
16:15 None PS X b PS 16:15 X b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG Foyer 1. OG DD 29: Poster – Neue / digitale Medien 16:15 None PS XP a PS 16:15 XP a
16:15 None PS XP b PS 16:15 XP b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG Foyer 1. OG DD 30: Poster – Neue Konzepte 16:15 None PS XPP a PS 16:15 XPP a
16:15 None PS XPP b PS 16:15 XPP b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG Foyer 1. OG DD 31: Poster – Praktika und Experimente 16:15 None PS XPQ a PS 16:15 XPQ a
16:15 None PS XPQ b PS 16:15 XPQ b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG Foyer 1. OG DD 32: Poster – Quantenphysik 16:15 None PS XPQP a PS 16:15 XPQP a
16:15 None PS XPQP b PS 16:15 XPQP b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG Foyer 1. OG DD 33: Poster – Geschichte und NoS 16:15 None PS XPQPP a PS 16:15 XPQPP a
16:15 None PS XPQPP b PS 16:15 XPQPP b
Di, 16:15–18:15 ZHG005 EP 5: Near-Earth Space I & Planets and Small Bodies II 16:15 None Q S a Q 16:15 S a
16:15 None Q S b Q 16:15 S b
Di, 16:15–18:15 ZHG101 EP 6: Sun and Heliosphere III 16:15 None Q T a Q 16:15 T a
16:15 None Q T b Q 16:15 T b
Di, 16:15–17:55 ZHG008 GR 4: GW I 16:15 None QP S a QP 16:15 S a
16:15 None QP S b QP 16:15 S b
Di, 16:15–17:35 ZHG007 GR 5: CQG II 16:15 None QP T a QP 16:15 T a
16:15 None QP T b QP 16:15 T b
Di, 16:15–17:35 ZHG001 MP 3: Particle Physics and AdS/CFT 16:15 None QQ QP a QQ 16:15 QP a
16:15 None QQ QP b QQ 16:15 QP b
Di, 16:15–17:15 ZHG102 P 9: Plasma Wall Interaction 16:15 None R QQP a R 16:15 QQP a
16:15 None R QQP b R 16:15 QQP b
Di, 16:15–18:15 ZHG Foyer 1. OG P 10: Poster Session I 16:15 None R QR a R 16:15 QR a
16:15 None R QR b R 16:15 QR b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG003 ST 2: DPG meets DGMP: Future Perspectives on Tomographic Imaging Techniques 16:15 None RP Q a RP 16:15 Q a
16:15 None RP Q b RP 16:15 Q b
Di, 16:15–18:00 ZHG010 T 23: Searches/BSM II (Non-collider) 16:15 None RPP Z a RPP 16:15 Z a
16:15 None RPP Z b RPP 16:15 Z b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG104 T 24: Higgs Physics III (boson final states) 16:15 None RPP ZP a RPP 16:15 ZP a
16:15 None RPP ZP b RPP 16:15 ZP b
Di, 16:15–17:45 ZHG105 T 25: Higgs Physics IV (BSM Higgs) 16:15 None RPP [ a RPP 16:15 [ a
16:15 None RPP [ b RPP 16:15 [ b
Di, 16:15–17:45 VG 0.110 T 26: Axions/ALPs I 16:15 None RPP \ a RPP 16:15 \ a
16:15 None RPP \ b RPP 16:15 \ b
Di, 16:15–18:15 VG 0.111 T 27: Silicon Detectors III (ATLAS + CMS production) 16:15 None RPP \P a RPP 16:15 \P a
16:15 None RPP \P b RPP 16:15 \P b
Di, 16:15–17:45 VG 1.101 T 28: Silicon Detectors IV (SiPMs, HG timing) 16:15 None RPP ] a RPP 16:15 ] a
16:15 None RPP ] b RPP 16:15 ] b
Di, 16:15–17:30 VG 1.102 T 29: Detectors III (Scintillators) 16:15 None RPP ^ a RPP 16:15 ^ a
16:15 None RPP ^ b RPP 16:15 ^ b
Di, 16:15–17:45 VG 1.103 T 30: Top Physics II (Properties) 16:15 None RPP ^P a RPP 16:15 ^P a
16:15 None RPP ^P b RPP 16:15 ^P b
Di, 16:15–18:15 VG 1.104 T 31: Flavour physics II 16:15 None RPP _ a RPP 16:15 _ a
16:15 None RPP _ b RPP 16:15 _ b
Di, 16:15–18:00 VG 1.105 T 32: Neutrino Astronomy II 16:15 None RPP _P a RPP 16:15 _P a
16:15 None RPP _P b RPP 16:15 _P b
Di, 16:15–17:45 VG 2.101 T 33: Data, AI, Computing, Electronics III (ML in Jet Tagging, Misc.) 16:15 None RPP ` a RPP 16:15 ` a
16:15 None RPP ` b RPP 16:15 ` b
Di, 16:15–18:15 VG 2.102 T 34: Data, AI, Computing, Electronics IV (DAQ, Detector Electronics) 16:15 None RPP a a RPP 16:15 a a
16:15 None RPP a b RPP 16:15 a b
Di, 16:15–17:45 VG 2.103 T 35: Electroweak Physics I (Weak Mixing Angle, Tau Production) 16:15 None RPP b a RPP 16:15 b a
16:15 None RPP b b RPP 16:15 b b
Di, 16:15–17:45 VG 3.101 T 36: Methods in Astroparticle Physics II 16:15 None RPP bP a RPP 16:15 bP a
16:15 None RPP bP b RPP 16:15 bP b
Di, 16:15–17:45 VG 3.102 T 37: Cosmic Rays II 16:15 None RPP c a RPP 16:15 c a
16:15 None RPP c b RPP 16:15 c b
Di, 16:15–18:00 VG 3.103 T 38: Neutrino Physics III 16:15 None RPP d a RPP 16:15 d a
16:15 None RPP d b RPP 16:15 d b
Di, 16:15–17:45 VG 3.104 T 39: Neutrino Physics IV 16:15 None RPP e a RPP 16:15 e a
16:15 None RPP e b RPP 16:15 e b
Di, 16:15–18:00 VG 4.101 T 40: Methods in Particle Physics II (Misc.) 16:15 None RPP eP a RPP 16:15 eP a
16:15 None RPP eP b RPP 16:15 eP b
Di, 16:15–18:00 VG 4.102 T 41: Search for Dark Matter II 16:15 None RPP ePP a RPP 16:15 ePP a
16:15 None RPP ePP b RPP 16:15 ePP b
Di, 16:30–18:00 ZHG Foyer 1. OG AKBP 4: AKBP Posters 16:30 None RPPP R a RPPP 16:30 R a
16:30 None RPPP R b RPPP 16:30 R b
Di, 18:00–19:30 Aula am Wilhelmsplatz with broadcast to ZHG010 and ZHG011 S 5: Awarding “EPS Historic Site” 18:00 None PP RP a PP 18:00 RP a
18:00 None PP RP b PP 18:00 RP b
Di, 18:00–21:30 Aula am Wilhelmsplatz with broadcast to ZHG010 and ZHG011 SYHQ 4: EPS historic site event 18:00 None PQ QP a PQ 18:00 QP a
18:00 None PQ QP b PQ 18:00 QP b
Di, 18:00–20:00 ZHG103 DD 34: Mitgliederversammlung 18:00 None PS XPQPPP a PS 18:00 XPQPPP a
18:00 None PS XPQPPP b PS 18:00 XPQPPP b
Di, 19:00–21:30 ZHG008 AKjDPG 3: yHEP Physicists Beyond Academia 19:00 None SP QP a SP 19:00 QP a
19:00 None SP QP b SP 19:00 QP b
Di, 21:30–22:30 ZHG Foyer EG AKjDPG 4: Bier & Brezel 21:30 None SP QPP a SP 21:30 QPP a
21:30 None SP QPP b SP 21:30 QPP b
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen