
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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AKBP: Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik

AKBP 12: Radiofrequency and Instrumentation I

AKBP 12.6: Talk

Friday, April 4, 2025, 10:15–10:30, ZHG004

Nb3Sn thin films grown by co-sputtering for SRF cavity application — •Márton Major1, Alexey Arzumanov1, Amir Farhood1, Michaela Arnold2, Norbert Pietralla2, and Lambert Alff11Institute of Materials Science, Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany — 2Institute of Nuclear Physics, Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany

Superconducting (SC) RF cavity technology is dominated by bulk Nb due to its proven physical performance and mature production technology. Needs for reducing the energy consumption of particle accelerators, however, call for alternative SC materials, such as Nb3Sn, to allow their operation at higher temperatures at lower cryogenic costs. The Nb3Sn coating of carrier structures has a huge potential to reach high acceleration gradients even at 4.2 K. Utilizing thin film technology enables to use copper, an excellent heat conductor, for the bulk of the cavity to which Nb3Sn can be sputtered for high-quality SC coatings. However, several key technological and physical challenges must be mastered to coat the hollow body of a cavity from inside. At our group, based on a low-temperature magnetron co-sputtering process, the direct deposition of SC Nb3Sn on Cu became possible. The grown films had high critical fields and critical temperatures. Presently we are scaling up the coating process from small substrates to larger structures, like HOM antennae and QPR cups.

This work was supported by the BMBF through grant 05H21RDRB1 and by the DFG via the Research Training Group GRK 2128 "AccelencE", project No. 264883531.

Keywords: superconductor; cavity; Nb3Sn; coating; copper

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