
Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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AKBP: Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik

AKBP 4: AKBP Posters

Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 16:30–18:00, ZHG Foyer 1. OG

16:30 AKBP 4.1 A novel test cavity setup for surface conductivity measurements of additive manufacturing samples — •Julian Sonpar, Hendrik Hähnel, Guenther Dollinger, Michael Mayerhofer, and Ricardo Helm
16:30 AKBP 4.2 Development of a 4:1 Guanella-type Impedance Transformer for the future SIS100 Broadband Cavity Systems — •Christoph Julien Wegmann and Harald Klingbeil
16:30 AKBP 4.3 Towards three-dimensional confinement of the electron beam inside dielectric laser accelerators — •Manuel Konrad, Julian Freier, Stefanie Kraus, Leon Brückner, Julian Litzel, Tomas Chlouba, Roy Shiloh, and Peter Hommelhoff
16:30 AKBP 4.4 Optimisation of drift tube cooling and drift tube geometries of an additive manufacturing IH-type cavity — •Benjamin Dedic, Hendrik Hähnel, Adem Ateş, Jan Dominik Kaiser, and Ulrich Ratzinger
16:30 AKBP 4.5 Ultrafast electron diffraction at DELTA - commissioning and first results — •Linus Bölte, Xijie Wang, Arne Held, Peter Hartmann, Carsten Mai, Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten, and Marius Milnikel
16:30 AKBP 4.6 New aspects of laser polishing of niobium for the production of superconducting cavity resonators — •Florian Brockner and Dirk Lützenkirchen-Hecht
16:30 AKBP 4.7 Messung der dielektrischen Eigenschaften von 3D Druck Filamenten bei 500 MHz — •Philipp Müller und Hendrik Hähnel
16:30 AKBP 4.8 Utilizing Raspberry Pi Cameras for Multipacting Observations and Beam Characterization — •Leonie Bauer, Adem Ates, Hendrik Hähnel, and Ulrich Ratzinger
16:30 AKBP 4.9 Generation of few-cycle laser pulses via HCF-based compression for pump probe experiments in plasma-based accelerators — •Onur Bilen, Marc Osenberg, Mirela Cerchez, Edgar Hartmann, Paula Sedlatschek, and Bernhard Hidding
16:30 AKBP 4.10 Extended phase space tomography for EOSD simulation considering crystal geometry effects — •Felipe Donoso, Stefan Funker, Erik Bründermann, Anke-Sussane Müller, and Martin Frank
16:30 AKBP 4.11 Possibilities for performance enhancement of a compact TDS at FLUTE — •Sergei Glukhov, Matthias Nabinger, Michael Nasse, Anton Malygin, Erik Bründermann, Anke-Susanne Müller, and Oliver Boine-Frankenheim
16:30 AKBP 4.12 Experimental strategy for diagnostic and parameters control of ARCTURUS high power laser system — •Kamill Naczynski, Mirela Cerchez, Koen Macken, Thomas Heinemann, Marius te Poel, and Bernhard Hidding
16:30 AKBP 4.13 Advanced Diagnostic Setup Combining Few-Cycle Shadowgraphy, Schlieren Imaging, and Interferometry for Laser Wakefield Acceleration Experiments — •Marc Osenberg, Paula Sedlatschek, Onur Bilen, Edgar Hartmann, Georg Pretzler, and Bernhard Hidding
16:30 AKBP 4.14 Self- and pre-ionized electron-driven wakefields in mixed gases at SLAC FACET-II — •Edgar Hartmann, Ahmad Fahim Habib, Mirela Cerchez, Marc Osenberg, Thomas Heinemann, Andrew Sutherland, Alexander Knetsch, and Bernhard Hidding
16:30 AKBP 4.15 Extending aperture3d for Beam Dynamics Simulations of the High-Level Injector (HLI) at GSI — •Pascal Häckel, Winfried Barth, and Uwe Scheeler
16:30 AKBP 4.16 Variation of the laser focus field geometry for direct electron acceleration — •Lars Torben Schwabe, Jan Riedlinger, Marc Osenberg, and Georg Pretzler
16:30 AKBP 4.17 Thermal emittance measurements of photocathodes using single-shot techniques at the European XFEL — •Meng Cai
16:30 AKBP 4.18 Adaptive automated activation of GaAs photocathodes at Photo-CATCH* — •Markus Engart, Joachim Enders, Maximilian Herbert, Maximilian Meier, Robin Petry, Julian Schulze, and Vincent Wende
16:30 AKBP 4.19 Optical Emission Spectroscopy for the Characterization of a 2.45 GHz ECRIS Plasma — •Maria Molodtsova, Alexandra Philipp, and Erik Ritter
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen