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AKBP: Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik
AKBP 7: Novel Accelerator Concepts II and FELs
AKBP 7.2: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 16:30–16:45, ZHG004
New radiation-based method for diagnosing driver dynamics in plasma wakefield accelerators — •Nico Wrobel1, Alexander Debus1, Arie Irman1, Maxwell La Berge1, Susanne Schöbel1, Ulrich Schramm1, Klaus Steiniger2, Jessica Tiebel1, Patrick Ufer1, and Richard Pausch1 — 1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf: Dresden, Sachsen, DE — 2Center for Advanced Systems Understanding: Görlitz, DE
Plasma Wakefield accelerators (PWFA) are a novel concept to build compact particle accelerators while improving beam quality compared to Laser Wakefield accelerators (LWFA). The precise dynamics of the driver in a PWFA are subject of interest, as they determine the created fields and therefore the capabilities to accelerate particles in the wake. One issue in improving PWFA is understanding these driver beam dynamics in the plasma, since it cannot be observed directly in experiments.
Here, we present a novel diagnostic method to overcome this problem by using the measurement of radiation emitted by the driver electrons. This method can reconstruct transversal and longitudinal dynamics of the driver. To develop this method, the many-GPU particle-in-cell code PIConGPU was used to model the ab-initio plasma dynamics. In addition, we computed the spectrally and directionally resolved far field radiation in-situ. We also developed an analytical description to explain the complex driver dynamics, such as the oscillation and degradation patterns observed in the plasma simulations, and directly related them to the infrared radiation signatures.
Keywords: Plasma Accelerator; PWFA; PIConGPU; particle-in-cell