
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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AKBP: Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik

AKBP 9: Novel Accelerator Concepts III and Hadron Accelerators

AKBP 9.4: Talk

Thursday, April 3, 2025, 14:45–15:00, ZHG004

Modular, Automated Beam Stabilization of the ATLAS-3000 Laser at the Centre for Advanced Laser Applications (CALA) — •Florian Schweiger, Michael Bachhammer, Timo Pohle, Johannes Zirkelbach, Leonhard Doyle, Sonja Gerlach, and Jörg Schreiber — LMU Physik, Munich, Germany

Thermal effects in optical elements as well as subtle changes in the experimental environment (e.g. airflow, humidity, vibrations) are well-known challenges affecting laser alignment. For high-power lasers comprising a multitude of amplification stages, the resulting long-term drifts (occurring over minutes to hours) affect both beam and laser parameters. Monitoring these drifts at the Petawatt-class ATLAS laser at CALA prompted us to develop a modular solution for long-term beam stabilization. This stabilization system consists of separate diagnostic and control modules in between the individual amplification stages of the laser chain. Each module measures the laser near- and far-field and is capable of stabilizing both the position and angle of the beam using motorized mirror mounts. Currently, a total of three stabilization units are installed in the ATLAS frontend, and (supervised) stabilization on the minute timescale has been successfully implemented. Overall, the system improves the stability, precision, and reproducibility of the laser alignment and is therefore advantageous for high-class laser-plasma accelerators. This work was supported by the BMBF within project 01IS24028 and CALA.

Keywords: Active laser stabilization; Laser plasma acceleration; Laser ion acceleration; Laser electron acceleration; Automated control

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