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AKPIK: Arbeitskreis Physik, moderne Informationstechnologie und Künstliche Intelligenz

AKPIK 4: Simulation and Workflows

AKPIK 4.1: Vortrag

Freitag, 4. April 2025, 09:00–09:15, Theo 0.134

Integration of a data centre for high-energy astroparticle physics in PUNCH4NFDI infrastructure — •Victoria Tokareva — Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Astroparticle Physics, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany

The PUNCH4NFDI (Particle, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons for Nationale Forschungsdaten Infrastruktur) consortium brings together experts from astro-, nuclear, astroparticle and particle physics to develop an infrastructure and tools for data-intensive research. The PUNCH4NFDI Science Data Platform (SDP) aims to provide users with access to the data resources of the data providers participating in the consortium, while offering advanced features such as enhanced search capabilities for data objects, support for reproducible workflows, and online data analysis.

One such data provider is the KCDC (KASCADE Cosmic-ray Data Centre). Established in 2013, KCDC was the first online platform to provide full open access to data from the high-energy astroparticle physics experiment KASCADE and its successor KASCADE-Grande. Over time, its scope expanded to include data from other astroparticle physics experiments as well as a wider range of digital objects such as simulations, software codes, user manuals, tutorials, and cosmic-ray spectra. This contribution shows the status of the integration of KCDC's data objects into the PUNCH4NFDI SDP, addresses encountered challenges, and describes strategies and technical solutions chosen for this purpose. This work is partially supported by the DFG fund 'NFDI 39/1' for the PUNCH4NFDI consortium.

Keywords: data curation; metadata; FAIR data; open data; astroparticle physics

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen