Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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EP: Fachverband Extraterrestrische Physik
EP 1: Planets and Small Bodies I
EP 1.3: Vortrag
Montag, 31. März 2025, 17:30–17:45, ZHG005
TRIPLE-IceCraft - a Melting Probe for the Exploration of Subglacial Lakes in Antarctica in Preparation for the Icy Moons — •Dirk Heinen1, Jan Audehm1, Clemens Espe2, Mia Giang Do1, Marco Feldmann2, Gero Francke2, Fabian Schöttler2, Christopher Wiebusch1, and Simon Zierke1 — 1RWTH Aachen University - Physics Institute III B, Aachen, Germany — 2GSI - Gesellschaft für Systementwicklung und Instrumentierung mbH, Aachen, Germany
The TRIPLE project, initiated by the German Space Agency at DLR, is researching Technologies for Rapid Ice Penetration and subglacial Lake Exploration. TRIPLE aims to explore the subglacial ocean of Jupiter's moon Europa. The mission will be preceded by a technology demonstration in Antarctica. To access the subglacial water reservoir, a drill or melting probe must first penetrate the ice. The TRIPLE-IceCraft melting probe is a modular payload carrier system designed to transport arbitary scientific payloads through the ice. The design is capable of traversing several hundred metres of ice, penetrating into a subglacial ocean or lake, and later returning to the surface. The TRIPLE-IceCraft has been tested in an analogue scenario on the Ekström Ice Shelf in Antarctica in 2023 and 2024. In this talk we present the TRIPLE-IceCraft design and the results of the test campaigns.
Keywords: Icy Moons; Europa; Technology Development; Terrestrial Analogue; Ocean Worlds