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EP: Fachverband Extraterrestrische Physik
EP 11: Sun and Heliosphere IV
EP 11.4: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 14:30–14:45, ZHG101
Insights into the energy partition of solar flares and STIX spectral response calibration via simultaneous X-ray spectral fitting of CH-2 XSM and SO STIX data. — •Jake Mitchell1, Alexander Warmuth1, Frederic Schuller1, Song Tan1, Fanpeng Shi1, Bhuwan Joshi2, and Mithun N.P.S2 — 1Leibniz Institute For Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany — 2Udaipur Solar Observatory, Udaipur, India
Understanding the energy partition between thermal and non-thermal particles during the flaring process is an essential component in achieving a more holistic view of the physical processes that drive solar flares. Using both PyXspec and the python based Sunkit-Spex we analyse data from a sample of 18 flares selected due to a co-alignment of the Chandrayaan-2 XSM (Solar X-ray Monitor) and the Solar Orbiter STIX instrument. Contemporaneous data from these two instruments enables simultaneous fitting of the relatively soft and hard X-ray spectra respectively. We compare results from individual and simultaneous fits to the XSM and STIX data and investigate the effect of the inclusion of the softer X-rays from XSM into the modelling process whilst also gaining valuable insights into the intercalibration between XSM and STIX.
Keywords: Solar flares; X-ray spectroscopy; STIX; XSM-CH2