Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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EP: Fachverband Extraterrestrische Physik
EP 13: Astrophysics I
EP 13.4: Vortrag
Freitag, 4. April 2025, 10:00–10:15, ZHG101
On the existence and (non-)uniqueness of null points of flows and magnetic fields as prerequisites for the existence of astropauses — •Dieter Nickeler1, Kuljeet Singh Saddal1,2, and Rodrigo Meneses3 — 1Astronomical Institute AV CR, Ondrejov, Czech Republic — 2Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic — 3Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile
The existence of null points of vector fields is prerequisite for the spanning of separating surfaces. Such surfaces guarantee that topologically disjoint field lines of the corresponding vector fields exist on each side of the separatrix. The existence of separatrices allows to define so-called pauses, e.g. magnetopause (a magnetic separatrix) or astropause (like the heliopause). To analyse the structure of fields with null points, we focus on the stationary approximation. Besides the topological perspective, other physical constraints can require the existence of null points.
We investigate the case of a non-monotonous pressure distribution driving stationary counterstreaming MHD flows such as the interstellar medium flows and the outer stellar wind flows. For a purely ideal hydrodynamical problem, and demanding on the regularity of all involved fields and their derivatives, we demonstrate that the existence of an extremum of the thermal or plasma pressure at a certain point in the generic three-dimensional case automatically implies that this point is also a stagnation point (= null point of the plasma flow). An extended analysis is performed for ideal MHD and further for MHD with additional, general non-ideal terms.
Keywords: Magnetohydrodynamics; Astrospheres; Topological fluid dynamics