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EP: Fachverband Extraterrestrische Physik

EP 14: Astrophysics II

EP 14.1: Vortrag

Freitag, 4. April 2025, 11:00–11:15, ZHG101

3D radiative MHD simulations of starspots — •Tanay Veer Singh Bhatia, Mayukh Panja, Robert H. Cameron, and Sami K. Solanki — Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Göttingen, Germany

The contribution of starspots to stellar variability comprises one of the largest sources of uncertainty in detecting and characterizing exoplanets. Existing methods to account for this variability do not take into account the detailed physical nature of starspots. We compute realistic 3D radiative MHD near-surface models of starspots with substantial penumbrae on cool main-sequence stars using the MURaM simulation code. This work is an improvement on the the previous starspot models in a slab geometry. The umbra, penumbra and the quiet star for all starspots are distinct, not only in intensity and temperature, but also in thermodynamic and velocity structure. These models represent a significant step towards modeling contribution of starspots to stellar lightcurves.

Keywords: Stars: atmospheres; Stars: magnetic fields; Stars: late-type; Convection; Starspots

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen