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EP: Fachverband Extraterrestrische Physik
EP 2: Sun and Heliosphere I
EP 2.1: Hauptvortrag
Montag, 31. März 2025, 16:45–17:15, ZHG101
Sunrise III 2024: Flight and first scientific results — •Andreas Korpi-Lagg1, H.N. Smitha1, Sami K. Solanki1, Achim Gandorfer1, Alex Feller1, Tino Rierthmüller1, Pietro Bernasconi2, Thomas Berkefeld3, Jose Carlos del Toro Iniesta4, Yukio Katsukawa5, and Sunrise III Team1,2,3,4,5 — 1MPS, Göttingen — 2JHUAPL, Laurel, USA — 3KIS, Freiburg, Germany — 4IAA, Granada, Spain — 5NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan
Sunrise III completed a highly successful science flight in July 2024 on a stratospheric balloon. The seeing-free observing conditions and the high optical quality of the telescope combined with the superb pointing and image stabilization system delivered diffraction-limited images to the three science instruments, spanning a wavelength range from the near-ultraviolet (SUSI, 309-417 nm), over the visible (TuMag, 517-525 nm), to the near infrared (SCIP, 765-855 nm). The flight was controlled from the Göttingen Operations Center at MPS.
The high activity level of the Sun allowed Sunrise III to observe a wide variety of solar features: Maps and sit-and-stare scans of quiet-sun and plage regions, sunspots, pole and limb from the two spectropolarimeters and the imaging spectropolarimeter allow seamless determination of the atmospheric conditions including the magnetic field vector with an unprecedented combination of spatial resolution and height coverage, from the deep photosphere to the upper chromosphere.
I present a summary of the flight, and an overview of the Sunrise III observations with a few early highlights from all three science instruments.
Keywords: photosphere; chromosphere; spectropolarimetry; solar magnetic fields