Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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EP: Fachverband Extraterrestrische Physik
EP 9: Exoplanets and Astrobiology
EP 9.4: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 17:15–17:30, ZHG005
Modeling the astrosphere of LHS 1140 — •Klaus Scherer1, Konstantin Herbst2, Eugene Engelbrecht3, Stefan Ferreira3, Jens Kleimann1, and Juandre Light3 — 1Institut für Theoretische Physik IV, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, — 2nstitut für Experimentelle and Angewandte Physik, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany — 3Centre for Space Research, North-West University, 2520, Potchefstroom, South Africa
We have studied the 3D multifluid MHD structure of the LHS 1140 astrospheres. We discuss the shock structure of the stellar wind of LHS 1140 using four different models: HD and MHD single-fluid models, as well as multifluid models for both cases, including a neutral hydrogen flow from the interstellar medium. It is shown that the 3D multifluid positions of the termination shock differ remarkably from those found in the 3D ideal-single fluid hydrodynamic case. Here, we discuss especially the problems in choosing the stellar wind as well as the interstellar medium parameters. We present and discuss models with different initial parameter..
Keywords: Astrosphere; Stellar winds; Cosmic rays; exoplanets; shock structure