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GR: Fachverband Gravitation und Relativitätstheorie
GR 11: BH Physics II, GW IV
GR 11.2: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 14:35–14:55, ZHG007
Perturbations on Schwarzschild Geodesics — •Merlin Böschen and Eva Hackmann — ZARM, Universität Bremen
In binary systems with extreme or intermediate mass ratios, the motion of the secondary object is approximately geodesic. However, perturbations from the gravitational self force as well as from material in the vicinity of the central object can significantly influence the trajectory of the secondary particle. In this presentation we first discuss the framework of osculating geodesics in a Schwarzschild spacetime for different parametrisations of the worldline. Subsequently, we analyse several sources of perturbations in an astrophysical extreme mass ratio system, in particular perturbations due to an accretion disc.
Keywords: extreme mass ratio; black holes; perturbations; accretion disc