
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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GR: Fachverband Gravitation und Relativitätstheorie

GR 2: Relastro I

GR 2.1: Invited Talk

Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 13:30–14:15, ZHG008

Beyond the thick accretion disk model: external influences and their observational consequences — •Audrey Trova1, Eva Hackmann1, Vladimir Karas2, and Jiří Kovář31University of Bremen, Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM), 28359 Bremen, Germany — 2Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Boční II 1401, Prague, 141 00, Czech Republic — 3Research Centre for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Institute of Physics, Silesian University in Opava, Bezručovo nám. 13, 746 01, Opava, Czech Republic

The strong gravity regime near black holes and neutron stars provides an exceptional laboratory for testing General Relativity. Accretion disks extend deep into this regime, reaching down to the horizon scale. Various accretion disk models have been developed to better understand the complex phenomena at play. Among them, the thick accretion disk, the simplest analytical model, that considers only gravity and a perfect fluid, captures key features of these objects.

In this talk, we will explore different variants of the thick accretion disk model, incorporating additional effects such as an external magnetic field influencing the charge of the fluid, the deformation of the central object, and the presence of an external mass distribution that can mimic the self-gravity of the disk itself. We will discuss the implications of these factors on the disk’s geometry, density, and pressure distribution. Furthermore, we will analyze their impact on observational signatures of black hole accretion disks, particularly in the context of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (HFQPOs).

Keywords: Accretion disk; Black hole; Magnetic field

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