
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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MP: Fachverband Theoretische und Mathematische Grundlagen der Physik

MP 7: Quantum Field Theory I and Conformal Field Theory

MP 7.1: Invited Talk

Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 16:15–16:45, ZHG001

How the “gauge principle” derives from physical principles — •Karl-Henning Rehren — University of Göttingen

Gauge theory is a most successful paradigm to explain the interactions of the Standard Model. Yet, it remains notoriously unclear what it actually “means” in terms of physical reality, where only gauge-invariant quantities are observable.

I discuss an “autonomous” approach to explain the (same, of course) interactions of the SM without invoking gauge theory [1]. The S-matrix is computed in terms of “string-localized” free fields, which are necessary in order to reconcile interactions of quantum particles with the physical principles of Hilbert space, locality and covariance. Some of the resulting interacting quantum fields will inherit string-localization – a most desirable feature of physical relevance, e.g., in order to make the Gauß Law of QED compatible with Einstein Causality.

I will sketch how the weak interactions, QCD, and even gravitons are covered by string-localized QFT as well.

[1] K.-H. Rehren et al: Found. Phys. 54 (2024) 57

Keywords: Standard Model; Interactions; Gauge theory

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