Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik
P 15: Astrophysical Plasmas
P 15.5: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 17:15–17:30, ZHG102
Measuring the Free-Free Opacity of Hydrogen at Stellar Interior Conditions Using the National Ignition Facility — •Samuel Schumacher1, Julian Lütgert1, Ronald Redmer1, Mandy Bethkenhagen8, Laurent Masse7, Dirk Gericke2, Siegfried Glenzer5, Tilo Döppner6, Tina Ebert6, Gareth Hall6, Otto Landen6, Markus Schölmerich6, Charles Starrett3, Nathaniel Shaffer4, Laurent Divol6, Benjamin Bachmann6, Steve MacLaren6, Clement Trosseille6, Shahab Khan6, and Dominik Kraus1 — 1Universität Rostock — 2Warwick University — 3Los Alamos National Laboratory — 4University of Rochester — 5SLAC — 6Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory — 7CEA — 8Université Lyon
The opacity of stellar matter is critical for modeling stellar interiors, primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. It determines where convection becomes the dominant energy transport mechanism.
Stellar interior modeling is challenging due to dense plasma conditions, with temperatures of hundreds of eV and densities 800 times that of solid matter. These conditions pose significant computational challenges and remain largely unexplored experimentally.
To address this, we conducted the first hydrogen absorption experiments at stellar interior conditions at the National Ignition Facility, the only facility capable of reproducing such extreme states. We present a modeling approach avoiding costly hydrodynamic simulations and enabling rigorous uncertainty estimates of our measurement through Bayesian analysis.
Keywords: Free-Free Opacity; Thomson Scattering; Red Dwarf Stars; X-Ray Radiography; Radiation Transport