
Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik

P 17: Poster Session II

Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 16:15–18:15, ZHG Foyer 1. OG

16:15 P 17.1 Assessing the validity of simplified models to describe the island divertor — •Nassim Maaziz, Felix Reimold, Vicoria Winters, David Bold, Sergei Makarov, Yühe Feng, and The W7-X Team
16:15 P 17.2 Implementation and exploitation of new bolometer electronics at ASDEX Upgrade — •Alessandro Mancini and Matthias Bernert
16:15 P 17.3 3D nonlinear MHD simulations with kinetic neutrals and impurities — •Mate Szucs, Matthias Hoelzl, Andrés Cathey, Yu-Chih Liang, and Sven Q. Korving
16:15 P 17.4 Towards Modeling Pellet-Produced Plasmoid Dynamics in Stellarators with JOREK — •Carl Wilhelm Rogge, Ksenia Aleynikova, Pavel Aleynikov, Rohan Ramasamy, Matthias Hoelzl, and Nikita Nikulsin
16:15 P 17.5 A novel optimization approach for stellarator design — •Issra Ali, Alan Goodman, and Ryan Wu
16:15 P 17.6 Plasma termination studies in LHD and W7-X — •Hjördis Bouvain, Andreas Dinklage, Naoki Tamura, Hiroe Igami, Hiroshi Kasahara, Kieran McCarthy, Daniel Medina-Roque, Wendelstein 7-X Team, and LHD Experiment Team
16:15 P 17.7 Effect of stray magnetic fields on particles in the Wendelstein 7-X neutral beam box — •Lucas van Ham, Samuel Lazerson, Björn Hamstra, Paul McNeely, Norbert Rust, Dirk Hartmann, Sergey Bozhenkov, and the W7-X Team
16:15 P 17.8 Simulations of the X-point Radiator in ASDEX Upgrade with Kinetic Neutrals and Impurities in JOREK — •Yu-Chih Liang, Andres Cathey, Matthias Hoelzl, Ulrich Stroth, Sven Korving, Mate Szuecs, Felix Antlitz, Daniël Maris, JOREK Team, and ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:15 P 17.9 Assessment of Radiation Asymmetries employing the new Imaging Bolometer diagnostic at W7-X — •Kevin Andrea Siever, Gabriele Partesotti, Felix Reimold, Glen Wurden, Fabio Federici, Byron Jay Peterson, and Kiyofumi Mukai
16:15 P 17.10 Gyrokinetic studies of dominant instabilities in different particle transport regimes in Wendelstein 7-X — •Nico J. Guth, Josefine H. E. Proll, Sebastian Bannmann, Oliver P. Ford, and Gabriel G. Plunk
16:15 P 17.11 Fluid Turbulence Modelling of Magnetic Islands in Stellarators — •Miguel Madeira, Sophia A. Henneberg, and Brendan Shanahan
16:15 P 17.12 Improvement of impurity transport studies at Wendelstein 7-X by integration of 2D X-ray emission data — •Alice Bonciarelli, Birger Buttenschön, Felix Reimold, Christian Brandt, and The W7-X Team
16:15 P 17.13 Landau Damping for Non-Maxwellian Distribution Functions — •Riccardo Stucchi and Philipp Lauber
16:15 P 17.14 Frequency-sweeping calibration source for the dual-frequency CTS radiometer at W7-X — •Daniel Straus, Dmitry Moseev, Sergiy Ponomarenko, Laurent Krier, Heinrich Laqua, Stefan Marsen, and Torsten Stange
16:15 P 17.15 Towards efficient accelerated 3D nonlinear MHD simulations with the finite element code JOREK — •Patrik Rác, Matthias Hölzl, and Ihor Holod
16:15 P 17.16 Characteristics of the SOL ion-to-electron temperature ratio on W7-X with an island divertor configuration — •Jiankun Hua, Yunfeng Liang, Alexander Knieps, Kaixuan Ye, Carsten Killer, Erhui Wang, and Pei Ren
16:15 P 17.17 A functional perturbation theory for rapid analysis of orbits and tori in magnetic confinement fusion research — •Wenyin Wei, Alexander Knieps, Jiankun Hua, and Yunfeng Liang
16:15 P 17.18 Deuterium Uptake and Isotope Exchange in Tungsten Displacement Damaged at High Temperature — •Laurin Hess and Thomas Schwarz-Selinger
16:15 P 17.19 Thermal-Hydraulic Modelling of Plasma Facing Components using OpenFOAM — •Ahmet KILAVUZ, Rudolf Neu, Jeong-Ha You, and Boštjan Končar
16:15 P 17.20 Temperature-dependent grain boundary permeation in tungsten investigated by hydrogenography — •Fahrudin Delic, Armin Manhard, and Udo von Toussaint
16:15 P 17.21 Influence of the presence of deuterium on damage evolution in tungsten — •Z Shen, T Schwarz-Selinger, M Zibrov, and A Manhard
16:15 P 17.22 Expanding the physics modeling capabilities of ASTRA from core to SOL and from tokamak to stellarator towards application in a multi-device flight simulator — •Fabian Solfronk, Emiliano Fable, Hartmut Zohm, Roberto Bilato, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:15 P 17.23 Gyrokinetic pedestal studies varying shaping in AUG — •Facundo Sheffield, Tobias Goerler, Lidija Radovanovic, Elisabeth Wolfrum, Frank Jenko, and the ASDEX Upgrade team
16:15 P 17.24 Investigation of Wendelstein 7-X Scrape-Off Layer Characteristic by Helium Line Ratio Spectroscopy — •Foisal B.T. Siddiki, Oliver Schmitz, Maciej Krychowiak, Erik Flom, Frederik Henke, Dorothea Gradic, and W7-X team
16:15 P 17.25 Modeling of the spatial and temporal dynamics of Cs in large negative hydrogen ion sources using the CsFlow3D code — •Daniele Mussini, Adrian Heiler, Christian Wimmer, Dirk Wünderlich, and Ursel Fantz
16:15 P 17.26 Impact of fishbone modes to core microturbulence with global gyrokinetic simulations — •davide brioschi, alessandro di siena, roberto bilato, alberto bottino, thomas hayward-schneider, alexey mishchenko, emanuele poli, alessandro zocco, and frank jenko
16:15 P 17.27 First successful plasma start-up with X2 ECRH at a reduced field of 1.8T at W7-X — •Niklas Simon Polei, Torsten Stange, Heinrich Peter Laqua, Kai Jakob Brunner, Juan Fernando Guerrero Arnaiz, Georg Schlisio, and W7-X Team
16:15 P 17.28 First measurements of divertor conditions in the new ASDEX Upgrade upper divertor — •Felix Albrecht, Dominik Brida, Tilmann Lunt, Bernhard Sieglin, Ou Pan, and the ASDEX Upgrade team
16:15 P 17.29 The avalanche source for a 3D particle in cell model of runaway electrons — •Fiona Wouters, Matthias Hoelzl, Hannes Bergstroem, Guido Huijsmans, and Jan van Dijk
16:15 P 17.30 Turbulence imaging in the scrape-off layer of Wendelstein 7-X — •Floris Scharmer, Adrian von Stechow, Sean Ballinger, Seung-Gyou Baek, James Terry, Carsten Killer, Olaf Grulke, and the W7-X Team
16:15 P 17.31 Improving the signal to noise ratio of a TALIF diagnostic ap- plied to a hydrogen plasma for enhanced hydrogen EDF de- termination — •Julian Hörsch, Christian Wimmer, and Ursel Fantz
16:15 P 17.32 Plasma dynamics analysis with the fast helium beam at W7-X — •Sebastian Hörmann, Michael Griener, Maciej Krychowiak, Dorothe Gradic, Erik Flom, Mohammad Foisal Siddiki, Adrian von Stechow, Carsten Killer, Felix Reimold, Stepan Sereda, Ulrich Stroth, the ASDEX Upgrade Team, and the W7-X Team
16:15 P 17.33 Investigation of perpendicular transport effects in W7-X divertor islands using 2D plasma parameter measurements with MANTIS. — •Joey Louwe, Felix Reimold, Valeria Perseo, Victoria Winters, Henry Greve, Thomas Klinger, Michael Griener, and W7-X team
16:15 P 17.34 Towards a deeper understanding of the pronounced increase in co-extracted current density in H-/D- negative ion sources for fusion — •Joey Rubin, Niek den Harder, and Ursel Fantz
16:15 P 17.35 Calibration and Operation of the Imaging Motional Stark Effect Diagnostic at ASDEX Upgrade — •Lea Hollendonner, Alexander Bock, Andreas Burckhart, Thomas Pütterich, Rainer Fischer, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:15 P 17.36 The role of turbulence and radial electric field in the achievement of high-performance regimes in W7-X — •Bojana Stefanoska, Daniel Carralero, Teresa Estrada, Thomas Windisch, Emmanouil Marakoudakis, José Luis Velasco, and the W7-X team
16:15 P 17.37 Quantification and analysis on the formation of a secondary strike line in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator — •Sebastian Dräger, Thierry Kremeyer, Yu Gao, Robert Wolf, and Felix Reimold
16:15 P 17.38 Hybrid kinetic-MHD simulations of interactions between tearing modes and runaway electrons in JOREK — •Shijie Liu, Hannes Bergstroem, Tong Liu, Haowei Zhang, and Matthias Hoelzl
16:15 P 17.39 In-situ Uptake Measurement and Modelling of Deuterium Atoms in Self Damaged Tungsten at Different Temperatures — •Abdulrahman Albarodi, Thomas Schwarz-Selinger, and Mikhail Zibrov
16:15 P 17.40 Validation of a Comprehensive First-Principles-Based Framework for Predicting the Performance of Future Stellarators — •Don Lawrence Carl Agapito Fernando, Alejandro Bañón Navarro, Daniel Carralero, Jose Luis Velasco, Arturo Alonso, Alessando Di Siena, Felix Wilms, Frank Jenko, and W7-X Team
16:15 P 17.41 ECRH Power deposition and Te perturbation investigations using dynamic ECE analysis — •Vaishnavi Murugesan, Matthias Hirsch, Gavin Weir, Juan Fernando Guerrero Arnaiz, Neha Chaudhary, and Robert Wolf
16:15 P 17.42 Divertor island studies with GRILLIX — •Barnabas Csillag, Andreas Stegmeir, Christoph Pitzal, Marion Finkbeiner, and Frank Jenko
16:15 P 17.43 Simulation of fully global electromagnetic turbulence in the stellarator W7-X — •Yann Narbutt, Ksenia Aleynikova, Matthias Borchardt, Ralf Kleiber, Alexey Mishchenko, Edilberto Sánchez, and Alessandro Zocco
16:15 P 17.44 Tightest possible energetic bounds on local gyrokinetic instabilities — •Paul Costello and Gabriel Plunk
16:15 P 17.45 Feedback Controlled Phase Contrast Imaging at Wendelstein 7-X — •Max Zimmermann, Adrian von Stechow, Jan-Peter Bähner, Søren Kjer Hansen, Sean Ballinger, Olaf Grulke, Eric Edlund, Miklos Porkolab, and The W7-X Team
16:15 P 17.46 Comparision of absolute calibration techniques for the Thomson scattering diagnostic at W7-X — •Jannik Wagner, Golo Fuchert, Ekkehard Pasch, K. Jakob Brunner, Jens Knauer, Sergey A. Bozhenkov, Matthias Hirsch, Robert C. Wolf, and W7-X Team
16:15 P 17.47 Towards a standard Diagnostic for not absorbed Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating power at Wendelstein 7-X — •Jonas Zimmermann, Torsten Stange, Heinrich Laqua, Dmitry Moseev, and Johan Oosterbeek
16:15 P 17.48 Characterisation of the assimilation of shattered pellets injected into a fusion plasma — •Ansh Patel, G Papp, A Matsuyama, S Jachmich, ASDEX Upgrade Team, and EUROfusion Tokamak Exploitation Team
16:15 P 17.49 Fast Surrogate Modeling of Radio-Frequency Minority Heating at ASDEX Upgrade — •Michael Sieben, Markus Weiland, Roberto Bilato, and ASDEX - Team
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen