Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme
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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik
P 17: Poster Session II
P 17.40: Poster
Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 16:15–18:15, ZHG Foyer 1. OG
Validation of a Comprehensive First-Principles-Based Framework for Predicting the Performance of Future Stellarators — •Don Lawrence Carl Agapito Fernando1, Alejandro Bañón Navarro1, Daniel Carralero2, Jose Luis Velasco2, Arturo Alonso2, Alessando Di Siena1, Felix Wilms1, Frank Jenko1, and W7-X Team3 — 1Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany — 2Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain — 3Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Greifswald, Germany
Validation studies are necessary to ensure the accuracy of simulation predictions relative to experimental results. In this poster, we showcase the results of the successful comprehensive validation of the GENE-KNOSOS-Tango simulation framework for predicting the steady-state plasma profiles in a stellarator. This framework couples the gyrokinetic turbulence code GENE, the neoclassical transport code KNOSOS, and the transport code Tango in a multiple-timescale simulation loop.
We perform ion-scale kinetic-electron and electron-scale adiabatic-ion flux-tube simulations to evolve the density and temperature profiles for four OP1.2b W7-X scenarios. The simulated profiles show excellent quantitative agreement with experimental data, while turbulence properties, such as density fluctuations and heat diffusivities, match the trends extracted from diagnostic measurements. The validation of the GENE-KNOSOS-Tango framework enables us to make credible predictions of physical phenomena in stellarators and reactor performance.
Keywords: Turbulence; Gyrokinetics; Validation; Profile Prediction