
Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik

P 18: Codes and Modeling/HEPP

P 18.1: Hauptvortrag

Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 11:00–11:30, ZHG102

Simulating W erosion, transport, and deposition in Ne-seeded discharges in ITER with full-W wall — •Christoph Baumann1, Juri Romazanov1, Sebastian Rode1, Andreas Kirschner1, Sebastijan Brezinsek1,2, Tom Wauters3, and Richard Pitts31FZ Jülich, Germany — 2HHU Düsseldorf, Germany — 3ITER Organization, France

Plasma-wall interaction processes like erosion are a challenge for efficient long-term operation of fusion devices. Numerical modelling of such processes is inevitable to get better understanding of experiments in present day machines like AUG, but also to make predictions for future machines like ITER. Especially the recent re-baselining to a full Tungsten (W) ITER requires dedicated studies on seeding impact on first wall erosion due to higher W sputter yields as compared to hydrogen isotopes in the plasma fuel. The present work therefore investigates W erosion and migration in Ne-seeded Q=10 H-mode ITER plasmas using the three-dimensional Monte-Carlo code ERO2.0. The code calculates both the erosion under ion or charge-exchange neutral impact and the migration of eroded impurities through the plasma, including atomic processes like ionization/recombination, as well as impurity re-deposition/re-erosion. The simulations reveal highly-charged Ne and W self-sputtering to be the main source of erosion, which is related to high far-SOL temperature conditions for electrons, 20 eV, and ions, 40 eV. The contribution of D on W erosion in contrast is smaller by two orders of magnitudes. In addition, strong W net deposition is observed in the inner divertor, indicating strong W transport into the divertor.

Keywords: Plasma-wall interaction; ITER; ERO2.0

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen