Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik
P 20: Magnetic Confinment Fusion/HEPP V
P 20.1: Hauptvortrag
Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 13:45–14:15, ZHG102
First applications of the kinetic ion transport module in the EMC3-EIRENE code package — •Derek Harting1, Dirk Reiser1, Christoph Baumann1, Sebastian Rode1, Juri Romazanov1, Sebastijan Brezinsek1,2, Heinke Frerichs3, Alexander Knieps1, and Yuhe Feng4 — 1FZ-Jülich, Institute of Fusion Energy & Nuclear Waste Management - Plasma Physics — 2HHU Düsseldorf, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences — 3UW - Madison, Department of Engineering Physics — 4MPG Institute for Plasma Physics
Impurity seeding in the scrape off layer plasma as well as controlling the contamination of the core plasma by high Z impurities are essential for ITER baseline scenarios. While fluid models are often used to describe impurity transport, short-lived lower ionization stages of high-Z impurities (e.g., W, Ar) may require a kinetic treatment due to their non-Maxwellian velocity distributions. To address these kinetic effects, the EMC3-EIRENE code package has been extended with a trace kinetic ion transport module in guiding center approximation. This module includes grad-B drifts, mirror-force effects and anomalous cross-field diffusion. Benchmarks with the kinetic ion transport code ERO2.0 showed fair agreement, validating the implementation. First simulations of a tungsten source in the ITER divertor region under an attached, medium-density L-mode plasma scenario demonstrate the module's capabilities. These advancements enhance predictions of impurity transport and plasma contamination control, crucial for ITER and future fusion devices.
Keywords: Fusion; ITER; EIRENE; kinetic ion transport; impurities