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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik
P 7: Magnetic Confinment Fusion/HEPP IV
P 7.4: Vortrag
Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 15:05–15:30, ZHG102
Exploration of Instabilities in Weakly Magnetized Plasmas: A Hybrid Gyrokinetic Approach. — •Sreenivasa chary Thatikonda1, Felipe nathan De Oliveira lopes1, Aleks Mustonen2, Karen Pommois2, Rainer Grauer2, Daniel Told1, and Frank Jenko1 — 1Max planck institute for plasma physics, Garching, Germany — 2Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Instabilities, turbulence, and reconnection in weakly magnetized plasmas, such as those encountered in the solar wind, present significant challenges to our understanding of plasma dynamics. High-frequency dynamics of space plasmas challenge the foundational assumptions of Gyrokinetic theory, especially for ions. To overcome these constraints, we developed a hybrid gyrokinetic model that preserves Gyro/Drift kinetic physics for electrons while integrating full kinetic physics for ions. The hybrid gyrokinetic model was incorporated into the Super Simple Vlasov (ssV) code. The code was verified against standard benchmark configurations after numerical diffusion, oscillations, and Ampere cancellation issues were effectively resolved. In particular, this study uses the hybrid-gyrokinetic framework in the ssV code to investigate the dynamics of Lower Hybrid Drift Instabilities (LHDIs) in reconnecting current sheets. Temperature, mass ratio, and plasma beta are among the parameters that are methodically investigated. Among the important findings are the analyses of growth rate dependences on temperature ratios, mass ratios, plasma beta, and the temporal development of electric field amplitudes. Future work will validate these results through comparisons with in-situ reconnection data from MMS.
Keywords: gyrokinetic theory; weakly magnetized plasmas; turbulence; instabilities; magnetic reconnection