
Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik

P 8: Atmospheric Plasmas and their Applications III

Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 13:45–15:45, ZHG006

13:45 P 8.1 Hauptvortrag: Status and outlook for CO2 conversion with microwave plasmas — •Ante Hecimovic, Christian K. Kiefer, Arne Meindl, Rodrigo Antunes, and Ursel Fantz
14:15 P 8.2 High power atmospheric microwave plasma torch for CO2 conversion — •Marc Bresser, Katharina Wiegers, Stefan Merli, Andreas Schulz, Matthias Walker, and Günter Tovar
14:30 P 8.3 Process optimization of iron oxide (in-flight) reduction in a high-performance microwave argon-hydrogen plasma torch — •Jonas Thiel, Simon Kreuznacht, Marc Böke, and Achim von Keudell
14:45 P 8.4 Hauptvortrag: Plasma activation of low-energy molecules using the example of nitrogen — •Mariagrazia Troia, Katharina Wiegers, Andreas Schulz, and Matthias Walker
15:15 P 8.5 Nanosecond resolved vibrational kinetics of CO2 in CO2/N2 mixtures: experiment and model — •Christian Alexander Busch, Tiago Silva, Vasco Guerra, Nikita Lepikhin, Inna Orel, Jan Kuhfeld, Dirk Luggenhölscher, and Uwe Czarnetzki
15:30 P 8.6 Impact of a plasma window arc discharge on the transmission properties of a 48-Ca heavy ion beam — •Andre Michel, Fateme Ghaznavi, Michael Händler, Adem Ates, Marcus Iberler, and Joachim Jacoby
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen