
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik

P 8: Atmospheric Plasmas and their Applications III

P 8.4: Invited Talk

Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 14:45–15:15, ZHG006

Plasma activation of low-energy molecules using the example of nitrogen — •Mariagrazia Troia, Katharina Wiegers, Andreas Schulz, and Matthias Walker — Institute for Interfacial Engineerinf and Plasma Technology, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

A key chemical in the manufacture of fertilizers is nitric acid, usually produced via the well-established combination of the Ostwald and the Haber-Bosch processes, with an average energy cost that amounts to 2% of the world*s total, and a side production of several greenhouse gases. An ongoing global effort is being currently carried out in order both to achieve climate neutrality and to reduce the overall production costs of raw chemicals. Plasmochemical processes open up attractive alternative routes, thanks to their flexible, on-demand operating mode which allows for an in-loco production of the fertilizers precursor NOx at low costs. In the current work, a commercially available microwave atmospheric plasma torch is used to synthesize NOx from dry air over a wide set of operating parameters. Resulting concentrations, comparable to the current state-of-the-art for plasma processes, have been further improved by optimizing the gas management in the plasma volume and in its after-glow region, by means of a custom-made nozzle with different geometries and operating principles. High-speed camera measurements and characterization via emission spectroscopy further elucidate the chemistry taking place in the plasma phase. Paired with extensive *cold* gas numerical simulations, they offer promising avenues for further improvements of the NOx yield thus obtained.

Keywords: Atmospheric plasma; Fertilizer industry; NOx synthesis; Plasma chemistry; Microwave plasma torch

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