Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme
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ST: Fachverband Strahlen- und Medizinphysik
ST 1: Computational Methods and Simulation
ST 1.2: Talk
Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 14:00–14:15, ZHG003
Experimental tuning of Geant for Cherenkov radiation of electrons — Yazeed Balasmeh, •Daniel Berker, Ivor Fleck, and Lars Maczey — Experimentelle Teilchenphysik, Center for Particle Physics Siegen, Universität Siegen
Geant4 is a powerful tool and indispensable for the investigation of particle interactions as well as detector developments. But since there exists a variety of parameters, it is possible to make too idealistic simulations. Verifying a simulation by an experimental setup is a proper way to achieve simulations as realistic as possible. The aim of this talk is to experimentally verify the production of Cherenkov radiation as simulated in Geant4.
The main setup consists of a Strontium-90 source, placed in a vacuum chamber, whose emitted electrons with energies up to 2.2 MeV are bent in a homogeneous magnetic field with an adjustable field strength between 20 mT and 80 mT. After passing through the magnetic field, the electrons will hit a PMMA layer producing Cherenkov photons, that are detected by a SiPM array. A collimator in front of the PMMA reduces the energy spread to values below 5%. The setup is calibrated with Bismuth-207 to confirm the energy of the electrons after passing through the magnetic field.
This talk presents the current status of the experiment and underlines the importance of the interplay between simulation and experimental verification. In conclusion, I want to discuss my results regarding the development of a Cherenkov Compton camera.
Keywords: Cherenkov effect; Geant4; Photon counting