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ST: Fachverband Strahlen- und Medizinphysik

ST 3: Radiation Monitoring and Dosimetry

ST 3.2: Vortrag

Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 11:15–11:30, ZHG003

Investigating Regenerating Profiles for TL-Dos Detectors — •Paula Harnisch1, Kevin Kröninger1, Jörg Walbersloh2, and Jens Weingarten11TU Dortmund — 2MPA NRW

Reliable personal monitoring is essential for occupational radiation exposures. Lately, a thermoluminescence-based monitoring system was developed by MPA Dortmund and TU Dortmund, offering the advantage of reusable detectors. This study systematically examines the effects of different regeneration profiles on the lifetime dose signal and the fading characteristics of TL-DOS detectors.

Regeneration, the process of thermally exciting electrons trapped during radiation exposure, restores the detector to a baseline, signal-free state, making it ready for reuse. Traditionally, detectors are briefly heated to a high temperature post-readout, but recent findings suggest this method may not fully reset the signal. To address this, alternative regeneration profiles are being explored, with promising potential to reduce or even eliminate signal fading in TL-DOS detectors.

This presentation will provide an introduction to TL-DOS detector functionality and an overview of the various regeneration profiles tested, highlighting advancements toward improved detector reliability and longevity.

Keywords: Personal dosimetry; TL-DOS; Thermoluminescence

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen