
Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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ST: Fachverband Strahlen- und Medizinphysik

ST 3: Radiation Monitoring and Dosimetry

Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 11:00–12:30, ZHG003

11:00 ST 3.1 Dosimetry for sub-relativistic electrons and their potential use in radiotherapy — •Julian Freier, Leon Brückner, Stefanie Kraus, Julian Litzel, Bastian Löhrl, Christoph Bert, Luitpold Distel, and Peter Hommelhoff
11:15 ST 3.2 Investigating Regenerating Profiles for TL-Dos Detectors — •Paula Harnisch, Kevin Kröninger, Jörg Walbersloh, and Jens Weingarten
11:30 ST 3.3 Development of an H*(10) neutron dosimeter based on the TL-DOS for neutron and gamma dose measurements at TRIGA reactor Mainz — •Andria Michael, Kevin Kröninger, Marion Schulte, Jörg Walbersloh, and Jens Weingarten
11:45 ST 3.4 Development of an electronic read out board for analog and digital data acquisition of a semiconductor neutron detector — •Janina Bolles, Kevin Kröninger, Jens Weingarten, and Alina Landmann
12:00 ST 3.5 Update on Radiation Measurements on the International Space Station with the RadMap Telescope — •Martin J. Losekamm, Thomas Berger, Liesa Eckert, Luise Meyer-Hetling, Peter Hinderberger, Stephan Paul, and Thomas Pöschl
12:15 ST 3.6 Reconstructing Particle Tracks with the RadMap Telescope — •Luise Meyer-Hetling, Liesa Eckert, Peter Hinderberger, Martin J. Losekamm, Stephan Paul, and Thomas Pöschl
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen