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ST: Fachverband Strahlen- und Medizinphysik

ST 5: Detector Physics

Mittwoch, 2. April 2025, 16:15–17:15, ZHG003

16:15 ST 5.1 Neutron Dosimetry with Diamond Sensors — •Jennifer Schlüß, Christian Bäumer, Kevin Kröninger, and Jens Weingarten
16:30 ST 5.2 Hardware Testing for the Construction of a Compton Camera PrototypeYazeed Balasmeh, Daniel Berker, Ivor Fleck, and •Lars Maczey
16:45 ST 5.3 Studies for the development of a pixel detector for proton therapy — •Alina Hild, Kevin Kröninger, Hendrik Speiser, and Jens Weingarten
17:00 ST 5.4 MaPSA quality control for the CMS phase-II detector upgrade — •Leticia Rosa, Andreas Nuernberg, Doris Eckstein, and Andreas Mussgiller
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen