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ST: Fachverband Strahlen- und Medizinphysik

ST 6: Medical Imaging and Treatment Monitoring

Donnerstag, 3. April 2025, 11:00–12:00, ZHG003

11:00 ST 6.1 Spatially resolved mid-IR spectroscopy on healthy and cancerous lung tissue — •Maximilian Schmock, Tobias Steinle, Cleo-Aron Weis, and Harald Giessen
11:15 ST 6.2 Towards Clinical Use of Range Monitoring in Heavy-Ion Therapy — •Sebastian Schroeder, Devin Hymers, Olga Bertini, Johann Heuser, Joerg Lehnert, Christian Joachim Schmidt, and Dennis Muecher
11:30 ST 6.3 Monitoring of beam shape and position with an HV-CMOS detector matrix in ion beam therapy — •Baudry Bartels, Alexander Dierlamm, Ulrich Husemann, Markus Klute, Ivan Perić, Bogdan Topko, and Hui Zhang
11:45 ST 6.4 Development of a Compton Camera for Biological and Medical Imaging — •Yazeed Balasmeh, Daniel Berker, Ivor Fleck, and Lars Maczey
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen