
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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SYSF: Symposium Turbulence in Space and Fusion Plasmas

SYSF 1: Turbulence in Space and Fusion Plasmas

SYSF 1.4: Invited Talk

Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 15:15–15:45, ZHG101

Digital Solutions for EUROfusion — •Volker Naulin — EUROfusion — DTU, Lyngby, Denmark

EUROfusion is the European consortium uniting the efforts of 27 countries to advance towards a DEMO fusion device and support ITER in achieving its goal of a fusion power amplification of a factor of 10. As part of this mission, EUROfusion runs 16 Theory, Simulation, Validation, and Verification (TSVV) projects, which are dedicated to advancing the understanding of fusion plasma physics and enabling robust, predictive simulations. These efforts rely on professionally developed and validated codes, ensuring reliability and accuracy in capturing the complex physics of fusion systems.

Significant progress has been made in understanding plasma confinement, but larger challenges remain, particularly regarding the complex, multiscale, and nonlinear dynamics of fusion plasmas. Turbulence, the primary driver of transport processes, is being addressed by High-performance numerical codes, which have been instrumental in providing detailed insights so far, but new approaches are needed to address the remaining challenges.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) offer powerful tools to uncover missing physics. Surrogate models approximate the complex behavior of fusion plasmas. These methods can provide valuable insights into strongly nonlinear processes, such as structure formation and non-local transport, enabling better predictions and control of plasma dynamics.

Keywords: Turbulence; Non-linear; Simulations

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