Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 15: Cosmic Rays I
T 15.4: Vortrag
Montag, 31. März 2025, 17:30–17:45, VG 3.102
The holy grail of air shower triggers: Tests towards a self-standing radio trigger at the Pierre Auger Observatory* — •Jannis Pawlowsky and Julian Rautenberg for the Pierre-Auger collaboration — Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany
The Pierre Auger Observatory is the largest facility for the detection of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. Key aspects to achieve the highest sensitivity are the particle triggers, which are responsible for maximizing station data read-out of reconstructable air showers within limited communication bandwidth. This system works excellent for the majority of hadron-induced air showers. However, it can be improved for air showers induced by neutral primaries such as photons and neutrinos. A radio trigger implemented for the AugerPrime Radio Detector provides an alternative when particle detectors become less efficient. The feasibility of such a radio trigger is heavily dependent on the noise environment, dominated by anthropogenic sources.
This work presents the efforts made to develop a bandwidth-compatible trigger. The design of the trigger is discussed, which was also employed in multiple field tests. The results of these tests are shown, yielding conclusions on the radio noise environment at the Observatory and the compatibility of the trigger with the communication bandwidth. Furthermore, planned improvements are discussed.
*Supported by BMBF Verbundforschung Astroteilchenphysik
(Vorhaben 05A23PX1)
Keywords: trigger; photon; radio; noise; bandwidth