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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 15: Cosmic Rays I

Montag, 31. März 2025, 16:45–18:15, VG 3.102

16:45 T 15.1 Beamforming with the SKA-Low array for detection of gamma rays at PeV energies. — •Subhadip Saha and Tim Huege for the SKA High-Energy Cosmic Particles Science Working Group collaboration
17:00 T 15.2 Advancing Cosmic-Ray Studies with LOFAR and the LORA Scintillator Array — •Stuti Sharma and Anna Nelles for the LOFAR-Cosmic ray key science project collaboration
17:15 T 15.3 Monitoring Large-Scale Radio-Detection Arrays with Machine Learning — •Johann Luca Kastner for the GRAND collaboration
17:30 T 15.4 The holy grail of air shower triggers: Tests towards a self-standing radio trigger at the Pierre Auger Observatory* — •Jannis Pawlowsky and Julian Rautenberg for the Pierre-Auger collaboration
17:45 T 15.5 Status of the antennas at the IceCube Surface Array Enhancement — •Megha Venugopal for the IceCube collaboration
18:00 T 15.6 Status and Performance of the Scintillation detectors of the IceCube Surface Array Enhancement — •S Shefali for the IceCube collaboration
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen