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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 17: Neutrino Physics II
T 17.3: Vortrag
Montag, 31. März 2025, 17:15–17:30, VG 3.104
Precise Determination of the Background in Electronic Recoil Channel from XENONnT — •Ying-Ting Lin for the XENON collaboration — Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
The XENONnT experiment, utilizing a 5.9-tonne liquid xenon dual-phase time projection chamber (TPC), is searching for dark matter and other rare physical phenomena. Having achieved an unprecedentedly low background level in the electron-recoil (ER) channel, the detector will be capable of detecting proton-proton (pp) chain solar neutrinos via elastic neutrino-electron scattering, while at the same time setting new limits to search of Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics such as solar axions, neutrino magnetic moments, axion-like particles (ALPs), and dark photons. To achieve such sensitivity, it is critical to determine the precise levels of the two major background sources, 222Rn and 85Kr. For 222Rn, a dedicated 222Rn calibration was performed. Together with an analysis framework that tracks the 222Rn alpha decay, this background contribution can be constrained to an order of 10% precision. For krypton, the Rare Gas Mass Spectrometer (RGMS) at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK) has demonstrated the world-leading detection limit of 8 parts per quadrillion (ppq) to the krypton concentration in our xenon TPC, providing a stringent constraint to 85Kr. The highlight will cover the analysis results for both background estimates.
Keywords: low background; solar neutrino; BSM; xenon; electron recoil