Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 18: Methods in Particle Physics I (Calo, Jets, Tagging)
T 18.5: Vortrag
Montag, 31. März 2025, 17:45–18:00, VG 4.101
Optimizing charm-jet tagging in ATLAS — Diptaparna Biswas1, Beatrice Cervato1, Markus Cristinziani1, Carmen Diez Pardos1, Ivor Fleck1, Arpan Ghosal1, Gabriel Gomes1, Jan Joachim Hahn1, Vadim Kostyukhin1, Nils Krengel1, Buddhadeb Mondal1, Stefanie Müller1, Sebastian Rentschler1, Elisabeth Schopf1, Katharina Voss1, Wolfgang Walkowiak1, •Adam Warnerbring1, and Tongbin Zhao1,2 — 1Experimentelle Teilchenphysik, Center for Particle Physics Siegen, Universität Siegen — 2Shandong University, China
Classifying jets based on the flavour of the parton that initiates the jet is a crucial task in analyses involving final states with b- or c-quarks. In recent years, jet flavour taggers in ATLAS have seen significant improvements, largely thanks to the adoption of end-to-end transformer models that directly use track-level inputs to predict the jet class. While b-jet identification remains the strongest feature of these models due to the distinct characteristics of b-jets, they can also be used for c-jet tagging. This talk will focus on charm tagging using GN2, the latest flavour tagging model developed by ATLAS. The presentation will cover the challenges of simultaneous b- and c-tagging, the trade-offs in parameter choices, and the performance of the model in terms of efficiencies and rejection rates for benchmark samples.
Keywords: Flavor tagging; Charm-jet tagging