Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 19: Search for Dark Matter I
T 19.4: Vortrag
Montag, 31. März 2025, 17:30–17:45, VG 4.102
INCIDENCE - Impact of Crystal Effects on Cryogenic Detectors for Dark Matter Searches — •Holger Kluck1, Jens Burkhart1, Miroslav Macko2, and Veronika Palušová2,3 — 1Institut für Hochenergiephysik der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1050 Wien, Österreich — 2Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic — 3Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Institut für Physik, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Nuclear recoils in cryogenic detectors are used to search for Dark Matter (DM) and for the prospective measurement of Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CEνNS). Experiments like CRESST or NUCLEUS reached detection thresholds for nuclear recoils in CaWO4 and Al2O3 at the 20 eV-scale.
At this scale, solid-state effects can no longer be neglect, as they affect the observable energy. Once a DM particle or a neutrino induced a Primary Knock-On Atom in the detector crystal, the resulting displacement cascade can produce crystal defects that reduce the observable energy. Together with the ELOISE project, INCIDENCE aims to use Molecular Dynamics simulation to study this effect in CaWO4 and Al2O3 at energies which are relevant for DM and CEνNS experiments.
In this contribution we will motivate the impact on the field, summarize the physics of the displacement cascade, present first results of defect creation in Al2O3 and give an outlook on the ongoing work for CaWO4.
Keywords: Cryogenic Detectors; Molecular Dynamic Simulation; Displacement Cascade; Crystal Defects