Göttingen 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 23: Searches/BSM II (Non-collider)
T 23.2: Vortrag
Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 16:30–16:45, ZHG010
Nonlinear calcium King plot constrains new bosons and nuclear properties — •Agnese Mariotti1, Alexander Wilzewski2, Lukas J. Spieß2, Malte Wehrheim2, Shuying Chen2, Steven A. King2, Peter Micke2, Melina Filzinger2, Martin R. Steinel2, Nils Huntemann2, Erik Benkler2, Piet O. Schmidt2,7, Luca I. Huber3, Jeremy Flannery3, Roland Matt3, Martin Stadler3, Robin Oswald3, Fabian Schmid3, Daniel Kienzle3, Jonathan Home3, Diana Prado Lopez Aude Craik3, Menno Door4, Sergey Eliseev4, Pavel Filianin4, Jost Herkenhof4, Kathrin Kromer4, Klaus Blaum4, Vladimir A. Yerokhin4, Igor A. Valuev4, Natalia S. Oreshkina4, Chunhai Lyu4, Sreya Banerjee4, Christoph H. Keitel4, Zoltan Harman4, Julian C. Berengut6, Anna Viatkina2,5, Jan Gilles2,5, Andrey Surzhykov2,5, Michael K. Rosner4, Jose R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia4, Jan Richter1,2, and Elina Fuchs1,2 — 1LUH-ITP — 2PTB — 3LUH-IQE — 4MPI — 5TUB-IMP — 6UNSW — 7LUH-IQ
The SM predicts isotope shifts (IS), i.e. differential measurements of the same electronic transition in different isotopes of an element, to follow a linear relation: the King plot (KP). Nonlinearities in KP set constraints on the existence of new interactions. We measure IS in Ca14+ and in Ca+, as well as isotope masses of calcium, observing for the first time a nonlinearity in this system. Combining these with the calculation of the next-to-leading SM term, we are able to improve the bounds on the existence of a new light boson coupling electrons and neutrons.
Keywords: new physics; low-energy frontier; king plot; isotope shift; calcium