Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 23: Searches/BSM II (Non-collider)
T 23.6: Talk
Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 17:30–17:45, ZHG010
Faint non-standard model particles in IceCube — •Nick Jannis Schmeißer, Timo Stürwald, and Christian Locatelli for the IceCube collaboration — Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Fractionally Charged Particles (FCPs) are particles that carry a fraction of the elementary charge e, which are predicted by multiple extensions of the standard model of particle physics. Relativistic FCPs produce Cherenkov light in the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. Due to the charge dependence of the Cherenkov light yield, the particles produce faint tracks in the detector. To increase the sensitivity for these faint signatures, the Faint Particle Trigger (FPT) was developed and deployed in 2023.
This presentation shows simulation studies optimizing the reconstruction of events triggered by the FPT. Different timing-based reconstruction techniques are compared based on their performance in reconstructing simulated FCP events. The reconstruction performance especially depends on the reduction of noise hits in the detector, which are dominant in comparison to the number of signal hits produced by FCPs. First efforts towards a Machine-Learning based analysis searching for FCPs using events triggered by the FPT are shown. A first reduction of background events includes the Faint Particle Filter utilizing results from the optimized event reconstruction.
Keywords: IceCube; BSM; Fractionally Charged Particles; Reconstruction