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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 26: Axions/ALPs I
T 26.4: Vortrag
Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 17:00–17:15, VG 0.110
Optimization of a dielectric haloscope for axion dark matter detection, MADMAX — •Dominik Bergermann for the MADMAX collaboration — III. Physikalisches Institut A, RWTH Aachen University
Axions are promising candidates for cold dark matter and the absence of CP violation in strong interaction. The MAgnetized Disc and Mirror Axion eXperiment is a dielectric haloscope experiment targeting axion dark matter in a mass range of 40 to 400 µeV. It consists of multiple, consecutive and movable dielectric discs to amplify the weak microwave signal of axion photon conversion in a strong magnetic field.
Covering this range with a single experimental setup, while simultaneously being able to finetune the resonance on potential signals, necessitates repositioning the hardware continuously and automatically. The disc positions as parameter-space can be optimized to produce desired signal shapes. Multiple different optimization algorithms have been tested.
This talk discusses the strategies for optimizing a physical MADMAX-like setup in-place based on it’s electrical microwave responses. Challenges are the sparse set of information, the time requirement of repositioning and the reliability of the algorithms.
Keywords: MADMAX; axion; dark matter; haloscope; optimization