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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 26: Axions/ALPs I

Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 16:15–17:45, VG 0.110

16:15 T 26.1 Towards a low background SDD for IAXOJoanna Bilicki, Patrick Bongratz, Frank Edzards, Susanne Mertens, •Lucinda Schönfeld, Juan Pablo Ulloa Beteta, Christoph Wiesinger, and Michael Willers for the IAXO collaboration
16:30 T 26.2 X-ray focus on axions: optics for the International AXion Observatory (IAXO) — •Julia K. Vogel for the IAXO collaboration
16:45 T 26.3 Development of a GridPix Detector for the International AXion Observatory — •Johanna von Oy, Klaus Desch, Jochen Kaminski, Tobias Schiffer, Sebastian Schmidt, and Markus Gruber for the IAXO collaboration
17:00 T 26.4 Optimization of a dielectric haloscope for axion dark matter detection, MADMAX — •Dominik Bergermann for the MADMAX collaboration
17:15 T 26.5 Probing electric fields insida a test setup for the dielectric axion haloscope MADMAX — •Max Zimmermann for the MADMAX collaboration
17:30 T 26.6 Development of a Cosmic Muon and Neutron Veto System for BabyIAXO — •Dhruv Chouhan, Elisa Ruiz Choliz, and Matthias Schott for the IAXO collaboration
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen