
Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 27: Silicon Detectors III (ATLAS + CMS production)

T 27.5: Talk

Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 17:15–17:30, VG 0.111

Glue dispensing and assembly of CMS 2S modules at RWTH Aachen — •Lennart Wilde1, Max Beckers1, Nina Höflich1, Oliver Pooth1, Wioletta Wyszkowska1, Lutz Feld2, Katja Klein2, Clara Ebisch2, Michael Wlochal2, Daniel Louis2, Vanessa Oppenländer2, Nicolas Röwert2, Martin Lipinski2, and Alexander Pauls21III. Physikalisches Institut B, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen — 2I. Physikalisches Institut B, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen

For the Phase 2 Upgrade of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment, a full reconstruction of the Outer Tracker is planned, involving novel silicon detector modules. These modules, referred to as 2S modules, utilize two silicon strip sensors to facilitate both tracking and Level-1 trigger functionalities. To minimize the material budget associated with these modules, all components will be bonded using adhesive methods.

Among the numerous 2S modules produced in module production centers worldwide, RWTH Aachen University has taken the task of assembling approx. 1,000 2S modules. This introduces significant challenges related to maintaining high-quality standards throughout the assembly process while achieving peak production rates of up to four modules per day.

This presentation will introduce a new custom made glue dispensing device that enhances existing volumetric dispensing technologies. The proposed device employs readily available components and demonstrates superior repeatability compared to previously utilized systems.

Keywords: Dispensing; CMS; LHC; Hardware

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