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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 27: Silicon Detectors III (ATLAS + CMS production)
T 27.8: Vortrag
Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 18:00–18:15, VG 0.111
Development of the Production Database of the High-Granularity Timing Detector for the ATLAS Phase-II Upgrade — •Annika Stein1, Luca Cadamuro2, Jan Ehrecke1, Frederic Fischer1, Jessica Höfner1, Muhammad Imran3, Yun-Ju Lu4, Lucia Masetti1, Muhammad Atif Shad Rao3, Hendrik Smitmanns1, and Song-Ming Wang4 — 1Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz — 2IJCLab, Orsay Cedex — 3Experimental Physics Dep., CERN — 4Academia Sinica, Taipei
During the production of components for the new High-Granularity Timing Detector, to be installed during the ATLAS Phase-II upgrade, assembly and testing sites need to keep track of the individual parts. The properties and measurement results, along with the relations between parts, need to be documented and readily accessible at different sites. There are metrology data, electrical measurements and binary files like images of parts to be recorded and retrieved in an efficient manner. Besides the work that is required on the backend-side of the application, i.e. the database with its tables and views, a special focus is laid on the visualization of results with the frontend application. Web tools like Grafana querying the database information through API requests, and customized webpages aiding the users in selecting the correct parts based on predefined labeling schemes are used to enter new information and display existing data.
In this presentation, the current status of implemented components, their attributes and relations, as well as the graphical interface will be explained.
Keywords: ATLAS detector; HGTD; Production Database; HL-LHC Upgrade; Detector Assembly