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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 28: Silicon Detectors IV (SiPMs, HG timing)
T 28.2: Vortrag
Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 16:30–16:45, VG 1.101
Gluing proceedings for the module assembly and the DU loading for the ATLAS High-Granularity timing detector — •Jessica Höfner1, Annika Stein1, Frederic Fischer1, Lucia Masetti1, Hendrik Smitmanns1, Steffen Schönfelder2, Jan Ehrecke1, Theodorus Manoussos1, Andrea Brogna2, Atila Kurt2, Fabian Piermaier2, Antonin Zeman2, and Quirin Weitzel2 — 1University Mainz, Insitute for physics — 2University Mainz, PRISMA+ Detector Lab
One of the challenges of the high luminosity upgrade for the LHC (HL-LHC) is the increase of pileup interactions. The way to address this challenge is to exploit the time spread of the interactions to distinguish between collisions occurring very close in space but well separated in time. For this the ATLAS detector needs to be upgraded. One of the updates will be the installation of the High-Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD). The device will provide a timing resolution of 30-50 ps for minimum ionizing particles and therefore will improve significantly the performance in the forward region of the detector. The active area consists of 2 double sided disks per end-cap filled with modules made of two 2x2 cm2 Low Gain Avalanche detectors dump-bounded to two ASICs and glued to a flexible PCB. Several modules will be glued onto a support unit to form a detector unit. The Mainz ATLAS group contributes to the assembly of modules and their loading onto DU’s. Therefore, the gluing procedure needs to be set up. The current setup for the gluing and the loading procedure itself will be presented in this talk.
Keywords: HGTD; ATLAS detector; HL upgrade