Göttingen 2025 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 28: Silicon Detectors IV (SiPMs, HG timing)
T 28.5: Talk
Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 17:15–17:30, VG 1.101
MIP detection on a plastic scintillator and SiPM system in very noisy environments — •Katjana Neumann, Massimiliano Antonello, Erika Garutti, and Jörn Schwandt — Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
A system consisting of a plastic scintillator tile directly couple to a SiPM is used to detect minimum ionizing particles (MIP) from a Sr90 source. The design of the single channel in inspired by the tiles for the CMS HGCAL calorimeter upgrade.
The signal to noise (S/N) separation provided by the system is well above 10 at the beginning of the detector lifetime. Radiation damage of the SiPM, as that experienced during the lifetime of the HGCAL detector, increase the dark current and degrade the S/N separation and by that the MIP detection efficiency.
We investigate the degradation as a function of the dark current increase. The increase of dark current after irradiation can be mitigated by cooling the SiPM or lowering its operation voltage. The systematic dependence of S/N separation on these parameters will be discussed in the presentation.
Keywords: Silicon Photomultiplier; Lightyield