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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 29: Detectors III (Scintillators)

T 29.1: Vortrag

Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 16:15–16:30, VG 1.102

Status of cosmogenic studies in the JUNO pre-detector OSIRIS — •Marcel Büchner1,2, Arshak Jafar1,2, George Parker1,2, Michael Wurm1,2, Oliver Pilarczyk1,2, Tim Charisse1,2, and Manuel Böhles1,21Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany — 2EC PRISMA+

OSIRIS as the pre-detector of the JUNO reactor neutrino measurement, is meant to monitor the radio-purity of the scintillator used. The monitoring of the scintillators radio-purity relies on an in situ measurement of radioactive decays in the 20-ton scintillator volume. Therefore, the scintillator volume is surrounded by 500 tons of water for external shielding and all detector materials have been carefully selected for radiopurity. To ensure that the background is as low as possible, OSIRIS is located approximately 700m under ground. Even at that depth, a relevant level of background events originates from cosmic muons, which not only cause a signal themselves but they can interact with the detector material and cause the creation of radioactive isotopes. This talk presents the ongoing work of the implementation of a muon tracking for OSIRIS. Utilizing the charge information of 64 PMTs inside OSIRIS, an estimate of the muon path will be calculated. This estimate will later be used as an input of a chi-squared-minimazation, to further improve the accuracy of the muon tracking. Based on the tracking of these muons and using spatial and tem poral correlations, cosmogenic neutrons and radioactive isotopes (e.g. C-11) can be identified. This Project is funded by the DFG Research Unit FOR 5519.

Keywords: JUNO; Cosmogenics; Muon reconstruction

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen