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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 29: Detectors III (Scintillators)
T 29.4: Vortrag
Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 17:00–17:15, VG 1.102
Osiris DAQ and Single Event Analysis — •Arshak Jafar, Michael Wurm, Oliver Pilarczyk, Tim Charisse, Marcel Buchner, and George Parker — JGU Mainz, Institute of Physics and EC PRISMA+
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), under construction in southern China, will determine the neutrino mass hierarchy (MH) by observing neutrinos from nuclear reactors at a distance of 53 km. To reach the desired sensitivity (> 3σ) for MH, the radiopurity of the different detector components plays a crucial role. To ensure the purity of the 20 kt liquid scintillator (LS) target of JUNO, the Online Scintillator Internal Radioactivity Investigation System (OSIRIS) is being constructed. The 20-ton pre-detector will monitor the radiopurity of the LS during its production and the filling phase of the central detector of JUNO. This talk will focus on the design principles and working of the data acquisition system (DAQ) of the OSIRIS pre-detector as well as the single event analysis of the data to estimate the rate of radioactive contaminants in the liquid scintillator.
This work is supported by DFG, Research Unit FOR 5519.
Keywords: JUNO; OSIRIS; radioactivity