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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 35: Electroweak Physics I (Weak Mixing Angle, Tau Production)
T 35.1: Vortrag
Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 16:15–16:30, VG 2.103
How to Extract the Weak Mixing Angle using Full Run2 ATLAS Experiment Data — •Lukas Bayer1, Wells Craig2, and Ludovica Aperio Bella3 — 1DESY, Hamburg, Germany — 2DESY, Hamburg, Germany — 3DESY, Hamburg, Germany
The full Run 2 data set from the ATLAS experiment provides sufficient statistics to measure the Drell-Yan cross-section four-fold differential in invariant mass, Z-boson rapidity and decay angles. It can be determined in the full solid angle by making use of an analytical decomposition of the final-state lepton's angular distribution. This does not only allow to probe the underlying quantum chromodynamics of Z-boson production, but also to extract the electroweak sector weak mixing angle from the forward-backward asymmetry, induced by parity violation in the neutral weak current. Sensitivity to the forward-background asymmetry is enhanced in events featuring one lepton in the forward part of the detector and correspondingly high Z-boson rapidity. Therefore, this talk will showcase recent work on forward electron performance at ATLAS, with focus on the determination of identification efficiency. Furthermore, it will present projections of the resulting sensitivity to the weak mixing angle.
Keywords: Weak Mixing Angle; Drell-Yan; Forward Electrons; ATLAS; Z-boson