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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 36: Methods in Astroparticle Physics II

T 36.2: Vortrag

Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 16:30–16:45, VG 3.101

Construction and commissioning of a Novel Krypton Concentrator for Next-Generation Dark Matter Experiments — •David Koke, Lutz Althüser, Volker Hannen, Christian Huhmann, Philipp Schulte, Patrick Alexander Unkhoff, Daniel Wenz, and Christian Weinheimer — Universität Münster, Germany

Future large scale dark matter experiments, such as DARWIN and XLZD, require high radiopurity in their liquid xenon detectors to probe WIMPs down to the neutrino fog. Due to the presence of the radioactive man-made isotope Kr-85, maintaining a low krypton concentration is a critical requirement. The LowRad project aims at developing a compact all-in-one xenon purification system for krypton, radon and electronegative impurities in xenon. The system's key components include a distillation column for continuous online removal, requiring a secondary distillation column as a concentrator for the krypton-enriched off-gas to avoid losses of xenon and enable monitoring of the krypton concentration. This novel krypton concentrator has been successfully constructed and commissioned, and underwent initial functionality tests. This talk will present the design and construction of the concentrator, along with the results of the first performance tests, demonstrating its capabilities. These advancements pave the way for achieving the ultra-low backgrounds necessary for future dark matter searches with next generation experiments. This work is supported by the ERC AdG project "LowRad" of C. Weinheimer (No. 101055063).

Keywords: Xenon; Distillation; Dark Matter

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen