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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 37: Cosmic Rays II

Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 16:15–17:45, VG 3.102

16:15 T 37.1 Measuring the Cosmic Ray Sun Shadow with IceCube* — •Niclas Krieger, Jonas Hellrung, Lukas Merten, Julia Becker Tjus, and Paolo Desiati for the IceCube collaboration
16:30 T 37.2 Towards a Directional Search for Ultra-High-Energy Photons Using the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory — •Tim Fehler, Marcus Niechciol, and Markus Risse for the Pierre-Auger collaboration
16:45 T 37.3 Inferring the Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Ray Flux Prior to Deflections in the Galactic Magnetic Field Using Information Field TheoryMartin Erdmann, •Frederik Krieger, Josina Schulte, Michael Smolka, and Maximilian Straub
17:00 T 37.4 A novel approach for air shower profile reconstruction using radio measurements with Information Field Theory — •Keito Watanabe, Tim Huege, Mitja Desmet, Stijn Buitnik, and Torsten Enßlin for the LOFAR-Cosmic ray key science project collaboration
17:15 T 37.5 Identifying Ultra-High-Energy Photons with a Convolutional Neural Network on the Basis of Surface Detector Measurements at the Pierre Auger Observatory — •Tim Fehler, Eleonora Guido, Marcus Niechciol, Markus Risse, and Daniel Steiniger for the Pierre-Auger collaboration
17:30 T 37.6 Investigating the Expected Flux of GZK Photons — •Chiara Papior, Marcus Niechciol, and Markus Risse
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Göttingen